Fiji – aircraft on stamps – Part VI  

Hello,    half way through the weekend already, how did that happen?   Oh well been good so far.   Hope same for you.  Yes it is another 1-11.   

Notice the artistic features?  Two come immediately to mind;  the little probes, antennas, three of them, are on this image on the top of the fuselage towards the engine, whereas  none were on the previous image –  and there is no line – a cable – from the top of the tail to a point  above the word Air on the fuselage,  which is present an the actual aircraft.  Photoshoppping images even back then 😊  although I think the  previous image was more artistic likelihood😊

This from the 1976 issue to commemorate the  25th Anniversary of  Air Services in Fiji. 

Michael …. Please visit my online store    where I have some interesting aviation related covers and stamps.